WinSMS Mobi – Sending bulk SMS. No PC? No problem!

WinSMS Mobi – Our Online Web Application:

In the past, sending bulk SMS meant that you had to have your own personal computer or laptop to install an application on, create a contact list, and send the SMS messages. This becomes a problem when the user does not have a personal computer or laptop to work on but has a smart phone or tablet. As more and more people are moving over to using smart devices such as smart phones and tablets, this meant that an application that could be used by these devices would need to be developed to keep up with the technological advances that are happening rapidly this day in age. This is why WinSMS Mobi was created…

Introducing WinSMS Mobi:

An online application that can be used by any smart device, anywhere in the world. As it is an online application, it means that no applications will need to be installed on the device. All you will need to do is go to the Mobi login page here and login with your WinSMS login name and password (don’t have one? Register here). Mobi is text based, thus utilizing a very low amount of data on your smart device.

Importing your contact list:

There are a few ways to import your contact list into WinSMS Mobi: You can import the contact from a CSV file, into your Mobi (view our how-to guide here), import contacts from your existing WinSMS desktop application (view our how-to guide here), or add your contacts manually by clicking on “Contacts”, then “Add Contact”.

The future of Mobi:

Future releases of WinSMS Mobi will see the inclusion of additional contact fields, an exciting new addition to Mobi, allowing you to address your contacts individually, as well as include contact specific information into your message without having to type out each SMS individually.

Get in contact with us for any queries you may have about WinSMS Mobi, or if you would like assistance with your WinSMS account.

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